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How to actually balance your masculine + feminine energy (the 4 essential habits)

Writer's picture: Isabel ShorterIsabel Shorter

Hello and welcome back to the Bella Figura Bliss blog! I am so happy that you are here. Today we are going to be touching on a concept that is very near and dear to my heart and that I’ve been wanting to talk about for a long time. We are going to be going over how to FINALLY balance your masculine and feminine energy, get out of survival mode, end burn out, and tap into your true, authentic self. We’re going to be going over my 4 essential tips to get you there, but first let’s define what masculine and feminine energy are and why we need them in balance in the first place.

What are masculine and feminine energy?

  1. As women, we need both masculine and feminine energy. They are energies not associated with gender, but with overarching, energetic qualities that we possess. We need both masculine and feminine qualities – Our masculine energy operates from an energy of doing, and getting things done. Our masculine side is driven, calculated, strategic, organized, there to provide and protect with our intellect. This energy exists in the brain. It is our strategic thinking and doing energy. 

  2. This energy is incredible, and what makes us capable, smart, productive women. But the problem in this day and age is that women have had to tap into this energy too much. As a result, many women are stuck in “fight or flight,” and burnout, from being so far enveloped in their masculine energy. The problem here is that they have lost sight of their feminine energy. 

  3. There will always be one slightly, dominating energy within you because of your nature or how you were raised, but the goal here is to balance the two. When the two energies are balanced, what is created is a woman who is operating from her divine masculine and feminine energy. With these energies in balance, working flawlessly together, a woman is not only able to still be productive, intelligent, and strategic in her daily life, but is no longer in burnout and has the energy to nurture, take care of others and herself, and feel in touch with her most authentic, true self instead of feeling disconnected. 

  4. I have literally been so passionate about this topic for the past three years and have always wanted a space to talk about it because tapping into my own feminine energy has completely transformed my life, but I have put off speaking about it because I know some people won’t understand. I too, have been in the place where I thought this whole concept was borderline misogynistic and there to keep women below men. But I’ve realized I must speak on it because this is completely not the case. It is actually quite the opposite – Feminist studies would argue that it is the patriarchy that has put us women in survival mode in the first place and created this need to get back into our feminine. 

  5. Society's unrealistic standards for women and a capitalist, hustle culture are what have caused women to enter this space of the constant need to be in survival mode, leading to burnout, unfulfillment, depression, and feeling like you’re never enough. 

  6. This has created the need to talk about this subject. 

So how do we reverse it? How do we end burn-out by tapping into our feminine energy?

Acknowledge your masculine traits that you’re very good at:
  1. Maybe this is at your job, doing research, teaching, speaking, leading, scheduling, managing, etc.

  2. Any other activities you’re good at that involve being mostly in the mind, thinking, doing, being strategic, etc.

Once you’ve recognized these amazing masculine qualities, think of ways that you could include them in your “rituals:”
  1. For example: I am an avid reader and I love to learn. Everyday I like to read books that are very philosophical and require me to think very deeply. I take notes, focus, and am very much in my masculine mindset during these times. So what I inherently started to do is create more feminine “rituals” around my masculine routines. 

  2. When I wake up and want to read my non-fiction, informative book that puts me in a masculine, thinking state, I center this activity around a ritual that is inherently feminine – I make my fancy liquid IV water along with a tea or coffee. I light candles, play classical music, wear my frilly pink robe, and cozy up under a blanket. I take my sweet, sweet time (this step is important), and I wake up extra early so that I have at least an hour for this process to not feel rushed. After this, I will follow-up my reading time with a quick stream of consciousness journal and meditation time. Then I will shower, do makeup, and get ready for the day. You see, this ritual is different because I still get to tap into my productive, masculine energy while not staying stuck there and instead remaining in my feminine, slow flow.

The problem is when you get stuck in your masculine, and you spend the entire day in fight or flight mode, running to the next thing, and overthinking all day. 

That being said, the next tip is that you NEED a morning routine where you can prioritize yourself. You must not just wake up and run out the door to work. 
  1. I know for people who have kids and other responsibilities in the morning this is an infuriating tip because waking up and having time to yourself seems like a luxury. 

  2. But I beg you, you must find a way to make it happen even if you have to get a morning nanny. Your time to yourself in the morning should be prioritized just as much as time or your kids or any other obligations. 

  3. Before you go out into the world and have other people’s opinions, timelines, and demands forced on you, you need to slow down and do what makes you feel good. 

  4. Really question your current morning routine and be open to changing things up. 

    1. For example: Maybe you’ve always been that person who wakes up at 5 am, chugs her pre workout, sprints to the gym, squeezes in a workout and a shower, runs to the bus, and goes to work. Sure, you may feel some satisfaction from accomplishing so much before work, but did you even stop to consider what you actually want to do? Before you head off to work to hand your time off to others?

    2. As working women, the morning time can often be the only me-time we get, which is why it is so incredibly crucial to spend it the way you want and the way that feels right. 

    3. Because I have a morning routine where I do whatever feels good to me and that is incredibly feminine, I can feel charged up to go to work and completely tap into my masculine, doing energy without experiencing burnout. 

Do feminine hobbies (hobbies that force you to be in the present moment, in your body instead of your head, not thinking, but creating, not consuming, etc):
  1. Ex hobbies: (I can do a separate blog post on feminine hobbies to try) Painting, drawing, ceramics, journaling, cooking, dancing, singing, yoga, meditating, coloring, scrapbooking, etc. 

  2. It can feel stupid at first if you are so deep in your masculine. I know this feeling. Because you are so used to constantly achieving and thinking, and these feminine hobbies allow your brain to finally turn off. Which is exactly what it CRAVES!

  3. What people don’t understand is that they think they will achieve more by doing more. Trust me, I have learned the hard way that it is by doing less that you allow your brain to fully recharge – Giving you the energy to ultimately create and accomplish more, whilst remaining the best, most present version of yourself. 

Those are all of my tips for today. I really hope and pray that you all are successful in tapping into your feminine energy because I promise you it is the cure to constantly feeling drained and burnt out.

Thank you for being here, I’ll have another blog post up in a couple days!

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